Ecclesiam res et talia sermocinamur -

We talk about the Church, stuff, and such

Sunday, February 12, 2006

I am the Immaculate Conception

I am a neglectful blogger. Yesterday was the feast of Our Lady of Lourdes.

We are constantly praying to Mary, but I think we can at times lose sight of what we're doing, to whom we are talking. The Blessed Virgin is our help and our comfort, the unblemished pillar of our strength, and the terrible foe of evil and its servants. May she continue to pour her love and care out upon the world, and to plead for us to Her Son, that Her Church and the world of which it is the steward may not perish.

Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for us.
St. Bernadette, pray for us.

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Blogger Matthew said...

"The Blessed Virgin is our help and our comfort, the unblemished pillar of our strength"

Your words remind me of St. John Bosco's vision of the two pillars. It's quite comforting to know Mary is there praying for us.

7:08 PM  

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