Ecclesiam res et talia sermocinamur -

We talk about the Church, stuff, and such

Monday, January 09, 2006


My apologies for the lack of posts for the last few days, and for the scarcity of material for the last few weeks in general. I've been at home, and there are two important differences between my house and my dorm room: 1) My computer is at school, and my parents' runs like molassas in January, making blogging/blog reading difficult and time consuming; 2) there are many pieces of furniture in this house, compared to the one (sitting in front of the computer) in my dorm room. We'll be back to full speed next week.

Now for a few things:
  • AMDG scores a link for quoting my confirmation saint.
  • This is the best idea he's ever had (and that's saying something). Please, spare me from "modern ditties" (what's so sad is that I know almost every one of the stock modern ditties from 9 years of school mass).

And a random fact to boot:

The old rubrics required that an ivory comb be used to smooth the hair of a newly consecrated bishop after the application of holy chrism (at least, I don't imagine this is still required).

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Blogger Matthew said...

I'll look forward to more posts in these next few weeks. You have a very interesting blog, so I try to check back here daily.

9:18 PM  

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