Ecclesiam res et talia sermocinamur -

We talk about the Church, stuff, and such

Monday, January 23, 2006


We've made some changes to the sidebar, and I thought I would point them out.

  • Chronological archives are now in the drop-down menu under "Archives."
  • The other headings there are a rather crude topical index. Blogger doesn't support the highly user-friendly indexing used by most independently hosted blogs such as Southern Appeal and the Donegal Express. Instead, these links are shortcuts to custom Blogger searches limited just to this blog. It's not quite as nifty as the non-blogger versions, but it's something, and seeing as it's apparently the best thing available, it will serve to satisfy our retentive desire to file, label, and catalogue everything under the sun. We hope you find them useful.

[Edit from Layla, 11:12 am, 25 Jan 2006: The topical index isn't so much working. We're in the process of getting it worked out, but please excuse our mess while we fiddle with it.]

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