Ecclesiam res et talia sermocinamur -

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Friday, March 31, 2006

Give me a break

From Euro-socialists (and Ameri-socialists) who think that international treaties fundamentally change the precepts of American law. Now, granted, the Constitution says that treaties form part of the supreme law of the land and there have been legitimate cases in which state or federal laws have given way to treaty obligations. But Missouri v. Holland dealt with the migraton of Canadian geese -- not exactly an integral facet of the system of law. This idea that state policies on healthcare can be dictated by a foreign body's interpretation of a treaty is absurd. That, I would argue, violates the Constitutional provision that each state shall be guarunteed a republican form of government. You can't honestly call yourself a republic if some ninny in Brussels has a veto on your laws. Here's an idea: a Constitutional amendment specifying that the states' police powers, when applied to matters of legitimate state jurisdiction, shall not be impinged upon by treaties, and that no international body or organization shall have the authority to interpret or adjudicate on the application of international agreements to United States citizens. Let the UN stick that in their pipe and smoke it.

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