Ecclesiam res et talia sermocinamur -

We talk about the Church, stuff, and such

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Pastoral Letter

If you went to Mass between the Mississippi and Tennessee rivers today, you probably got a copy of Bishop Steib's Pastoral Letter on the Year of the Eucharist. It's a nice document, emphasizing the fact that the Blessed Sacrament is an act of God's love. However, Steib's typist or type setter must have had a shortage of articles, because throughout the document, the word the is missing before Eucharist. So you have "In Eucharist we . . ." What is that?

First they dropped Holy . . . now they're dropping the . . . I shudder to think what will be amputated next.

St. Gotteschalk, patron of linguists, pray for us.

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Blogger Paul said...

Hmmm, I guess that's ok, then -- I'd only ever heard it used like that by heretics (things like "we are Eucharist"), so I was a little perplexed. Thanks for the clarification.

8:23 PM  
Blogger Der Tommissar said...

Equivocation and verbal quibbles do not build the faith. The person who wrote that letter for the bishop knew what she was doing by just using "Eucharist". It's an attempt to muddy the waters of belief so as to plant the seeds of different belief in regards to the Holy Sacrament of the Altar.

In the meantime, said person can fall back on some interpretation of ancient Greek to show she "intended" something orthodox all along.

Didn't the "Spirit of Vatican II" say that teachings should be clearer and more easily understandable by the laity? That's why Latin had to go, right?

Oh yeah, that rule doesn't apply when you want to subvert the faith.

10:24 AM  

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