Ecclesiam res et talia sermocinamur -

We talk about the Church, stuff, and such

Monday, November 21, 2005

Things I Learned This Weekend

  1. Never propose to a woman on a bus (n.b. - I didn't learn this from personal experience, but from the excellent movie Walk the Line.)
  2. If you ever find yourself unwillingly subjected to a Presbyterian minister, doodling images of the Sacred Heart and Blessed Sacrament is an excellent way to ignore him.
  3. Just because the sign at an airport gate says the plane outside is going someplace, doesn't mean it really is (in other words, if an airline changes a flight's gate, don't think they'll bother to tell you -- I almost went to Chicago).
  4. Chanting the Eucharistic prayer and consecration is different from imitating Bob Dylan and having instrumental accompaniment when saying them.
  5. Regarding #4, the chant sounds a lot better.
  6. Fleaflickers are only good when Catholics throw them.
  7. It's a lot easier to write something intelligent in a relatively quiet dorm room than in my house -- which is the antithesis of quiet.
  8. It's good to be home, regardless.

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Blogger Der Tommissar said...

If you ever find yourself unwillingly subjected to a Presbyterian minister, doodling images of the Sacred Heart and Blessed Sacrament is an excellent way to ignore him.

I'll try that! Usually, I draw a little stick figure, then I draw a line behind him and a bunch of lines radiating from his feet.

Then I draw some flames.

11:00 AM  

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