Ecclesiam res et talia sermocinamur -

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Thursday, February 23, 2006

Feast of St. Polycarp

Today is the feast of St. Polycarp, one of the many ancient saints with really cool lives and accomplishments who will never, ever again have children under their patronage.

Contary to popular myth, St. Polycarp's name does not mean "many fishes," and he is not, therefore, the patron of bass pro fishermen. Nor does he have any relation to this organization.

Rather, Polycarp was the bishop of Smyrna and lived from 69-115. He was martyred under Herod, and the circumstances surrounding his death were so extraordinary that the Romans and Jews burned his body for fear that the Christians "should abandon the worship of the Crucified One, and begin to worship this man."

Catholic Encyclopedia: St. Polycarp
A church community dedicated to St. Polycarp.
Butler's Lives of the Saints piece on St. Polycarp

St. Polycarp, oro pro nobis

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